Thursday, December 24, 2009

Avatar 3D

Avatar 3d is THE AWESOME. Seriously, possibly the most incredible movie I have ever seen. Ever. Including LotR, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc., etc., etc. Current screenshot:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

google chrome on debian linux

groOvy now my default browser

Friday, October 30, 2009 web update progress

I have placed my paintings in the new, nifty galleries. The old, hand-made galleries have been moved, but are still online. I will be going back and adding links and information when I can. Check out the new look, and let me know what you think! updates

I spent much of the last 24 hours procrastinating on preparing for our move, and working on getting back up and online.It's getting there...In fact, most of the previous pages are back online, with some changes, some consolidation, etc.The biggest change is that I am no longer using to host my photogalleries, but have installed a gallery application on my server, and am creating my own galleries.They're pretty nifty.They even do slide shows!Here's a screenshot:

The painting galleries are not using this function, yet, but I might do that.
The new photo galleries are so slick, I'd definitely like to have my photos presented in similar fashion.Take a look and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

web developments

Okay... is back online, with the new host. Many pages still need links updated, etc., but the site is functional. is also now up. This is a new, general site. is live, but there is only a placeholder page, pointing visitors to other locations where they may see my art & photos, or listen to my music. I will be rebuilding, and continuing to reorganize, shortly, but, at the moment have a bunch of translation work AND, am attempting to organize and pack for our move this weekend. I likely won't get around to rebuilding until late next week.

current screenshot - escuchando cabezones

Invitame a vivir en lo profundo de tu acaso.
Soy un pasajero en extinción...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bebel Gilberto

Coming to Boston, Nov. 27.
I want to go so bad.

Essa garrota é demais...tão gostoza, e canta como um anjo...w0w...


The house in which we rent an apt. has been foreclosed (I may have mentioned that before). The bank was just here. They've offered us $2700 to move out my Nov. 5, even though we already have another apt. lined up and planned to be out by the 1st. YEAH!

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Layman's Thoughts on Freedoms and Open Standards

A layman's thoughts on open document formats, open source software, freedom of choice, freedom of information, liberties in general.

Consider, for a moment, where the world might be now, if, say, whoever first developed a means of written communication, written language, had copyrighted, this means of communication. I'd like to consider not only copyrighting his particular writing system, but, even more generally, the concept of symbolically representing reality in a written/graphical form.

Had the inventor of writing, if you will, demanded his rights in terms of the use of such a system, of course, anyone that wrote anything would owe him for use of this intellectual property. Thus, he would have a right to demand his fee for the conveyance of any information, of any nature, in a written form. This would mean, he would have control over any written communication. He would be able to control what information could be conveyed in writing, who could have access to that information, and, of course, he could demand payment for any and everytime information of any nature was conveyed in this fashion. Let me just clarify that by being a bit more precise, while summing up the entire situation in general:
He would have control over the conveyance of any information in written form.
He would control information.
Anyone with such power, of course, would have immense, if not complete control over public opinion and knowledge. I think we can agree that such control centralized in the hands of one person would be A BAD THING.
This individual could control religious thought, philosophy, the semination of scientific knowledge, etc., ad infinitum.

Now, consider even if Gutenburg had patented and copyrighted the printing press, and all printing of any matter would, again, be his to control. Or perhaps, say one person controlled all rights to the use of paper (papyrus), when it was invented, and, thus, could control any use there of and any matter that was printed or written on paper, etc. Control over any such process or media would put untold power in the hands of the individual possessing such power. I think we can agree that such control centralized in one person (or one company) would be A BAD THING.

Freedom of information, freedom of expression and freedom to learn are, and I believe this is a widely enough held notion that nobody will argue the contrary, ESSENTIAL freedoms.
Freedoms necessary to the advance of the human species, of knowledge, of culture and scientific progress.

This is why we need to have open standards for document formats, and why proprietary document formats are to be avoided. This is why we should not allow specific software vendors to monopolize the dispersion of information by allowing their proprietary document formats to become standard to any industry. Allowing them such control allows them control over that industry. They will have the ability to stifle choice of software use and will have control over the publication of knowledge.

In today's digital, information age, if one individual or one company has control of the file formats in which information may be shared, or if one company or individual controls all software capable of accessing information in said formats, that individual or company has control of all information.

This is why document formats such as Microsoft's .doc or OOXML, SDL's .ttx, .mp3, .wmp and other formats that are proprietary, and specific to one software vendor, are harmful, and to be not only avoided, but completely eschewed in favor of open document formats, such as .odf, and .ogg.

relevant links:
ODF Alliance
Oasis Open
Open Document XML
No Word Attachments


I like to post occasional screenshots to proudly display my geek fu.

This shows me listening to Cabezones (awesome rock from Argentina) using mocp, on my Debian gnu/linux system, in a roxterm terminal, using the Ion3 window manager.
I'm just too co0l for words, really...

ughhh...heavy lifting

I'm sitting here downloading and backing up all the relevant materials for and and, and I'm realizing what a load of work it is going to be to get them all back up and online and gro0vy once the domain transfers resolve, etc. For one thing, I have a lot of images hard-linked to various locations all over, including in the domain, which will be expiring, so I'm going to have to update all the links. I'm going to have to edit nearly every page on these sites. I've decided I'm more or less going to give a complete overhaul, anyway. It needs it. This is going to be a lot of work, and will take a while, so, I probably shouldn't have decided to get started on all of this right now, while I'm moving, etc., but, at the same time, I think I should have done it all a long time ago. After the initial heavy lifting is done, my online presence will be much simpler to manage, and, I believe, once I've done a bit of reconfiguration, these sites will come out more attractive and useful. My online presence has just been too scattered and schizophrenic for too long. Time to consolidate, simplify, and beautify the whole chaotic morass of scattered sites and disorganized links, etc.

web developments

Currently, I have own/manage several sites, on several hosts, and with domains registered in with several registrars.
That's all in the process of being streamlined, as I type.
I've had (my art/photos/music site) hosted with DWHS Inc., who is a pretty good host, really (linux servers, good tools, etc., fairly decent value); I have (linux for translators) hosted at, who provides excellent service and a great value in terms of disc space, bandwidth, etc. for the dough. I have and hosted in subdirectories of
The domains,, and are all registered with MyDomain Inc., which provides fairly decent domain management features, and good domain reg prices, with two of the domains, as mentioned, simply forwarding to subdirs on the linguasos hosting acct.
I have (my translation services agencies, and main source of income) hosted via "free" hosting that comes with my paid account at (a site for freelance translators and language services providers).
Basically, I have a mess...and I pay three or four entities to keep all this stuff up on the internets.
Now, I'm no longer developing the Linguas OS project, so that domain is simply going to vanish into the ether.
So now I have altered my account, and will be keeping as the top level on that hosting account, and reconfiguring the site accordingly. Also, since I got one killer deal (150gb space, unfathomable bandwidht, etc, and the capacity to host unlimited domains), and also moving to that godaddy account. I may move over, too.
I've also transfered the domain registrations all to
Now I will have one registrar, one host, one bill (and a very reasonable one at that...roughly $6.00 a month for all that disk space and bandwidth and mysql dbs's all so exciting!).
A few sites have or are being let go in the process: - rock en español, a wasted venture; will likely fade away, while the project will simply be hosted on will fade away, but I will probably keep the old ISOs on hand at, for posterity.
And, I will have three main sites still online for all my goodies: - my translation business - for all my hackery and geekish tomfoolery - for all my artistic endeavours, photos, music, etc.
This consolidates my scattered web presences, streamlines my overhead, and will make my life a lot easier, all while actually giving me HUGE amounts of online storage disc space and bandwidth.
I'll be able to add new sites to the same account, registering any new domains with this same provider, like falling off a log, if I so choose.
I should have done this long ago.
The only draw back with the godaddy acct is that I don't have shell access (ssh, scp), and godaddy's online cpanel and tools are kind of crappy, but I manage my sites writing pages in a text editor and uploading them via ftp, anyway, so that's hardly significant, since I will have ftp access, of course.
Now, with all that glorious disk space, I am tempted to think of new sites to launch, and venture into php and other goodies. I've had numerous online ventures that more or less floundered, so I don't want to waste time trying to repeat mistakes I've learned from already, but, gosh, I gotta do something with all that space...honestly. I think if/once I move over, I'll probably implement the webservice version of OmegaT right on there, which will be great for outsourcing translation projects. I won't have to send files and deal with various applications, etc., but simply send the provider a link to the OmegaT project on the server, where they can do their work. That would be cool. I'm not sure how complicated that will be, though...we'll see. Some of that can already be done with shared google docs, but, as much as I love google, I'd rather have my work on my own server, and away from the prying eyes of their spiders, or whatever.
I'm wondering for how long some of my sites might be down while I move stuff around.
Oh, and I've nearly forgotten...I also need to move over (my Unitarian Universalist related art), and (obvious, just forwards to for search ranking purposes, gets me work).
All that, and using petrus to semi-simultaneously post to three distinct blog/journals, is seriously simplifying my online activities.


Okay, I've just learned that Petrus does, indeed, now support insanejournal, as well as blogger and livejournal. Of course, as mentioned earlier, it will not post to all three simultaneously, but requires that I login to all three accounts, in three separate windows, and then copy/paste the post to each windows, and click three different buttons to post to all three journal/blogs simultaneously... What it does mean, however, is that I could conceivably dig into the petrus code and work up a way to make it post to all three simultaneously, perhaps....Except that Petrus is written in Java, and have no Java fu. I once successfully wrote a "Hello, World!" in Java, but that's as far as I got. Wish I could find one of these in tcl, perl, or python... I've been looking at the blogger api docs, and I find it a bit confusing. I wrote my LJ/IJ clients to work with simple HTTP posting, not xml-rpc, etc. Basically, there are some simple elements to posting to a blog: a) the handshake (identifying and authenticating with the server) b) posting. That must is cake, really...or so it seems. Sending a post via simple HTTP is rather uncomplicated, basically sending a plain text file identifying certain variables. Not too tough, as witnessed by my success in doing so for LJ and IJ, with my rather feeble hacker fu. But making my app create a suitable xml file will be a bit more convoluted and time consuming, in terms of generating the code. Anyway, I'm about to click three buttons to simultaneously post this to three blog/journals. In the future I may have worked out to do so without so much clickety clicking...

testing, again (+ ramblings on blogging clients and simultaneous posting) this post, I am testing simultaneously posting to my livejournal and my new blogspot, simultaneously, via e-mail.
Please bear with me...

This is because I have multiple blogs, and sometimes want to post the same articles to all of them.
I'm considering taking the code for the blogging clients I have already made (Tickle Therapy for InsaneJournal and TKLJ for Livejournal), and combining them, then adding blogger/blogspot functionality, so that it will post to both the above mentioned LJ, and blogspot, as well as my insanejournal, all simultaneously.
Currently, it seems the best way I have to post simultaneously is via e-mail...but e-mail posting on insane journal is only available to paid accounts.
To date, there are other, incomplete solutions.
Logjam will post to livejournal AND insane journal, but not simultaneously, and not to blogger/blogspot. One has to post to one journal, then reload the entry, change user, and post again.
Petrus will post to livejournal and blogger/blogspot, but to do it simultaneously, one has to open two windows and copy/paste the entry to both windows, click two buttons to post.
Now, enabling simultaneous LJ and IJ posting with my existing software will be easy enough, but I want a solution that posts to all three, simultaneously, without copy/pasting, and at the click of one button.
So I'm going to write my own...possibly. Also, since the majority of my previous hacking efforts have been in tcl, I think I might try to do this in eithe perl or python (with perltk or pythontk for the gui).
Additionally, my LJ/IJ clients use the old html posting method. I understand that is not an option with blogger/blogspot, and will have to learn to use the xml method, so I might as well learn and implement that for LJ and IJ, as well...
Why not? I haven't dug into a hacking project in a while, and, I have way too much spare time on my hands. Of course, it's not like I couldn't better employ the time adding improvements to my existing
software, but I get bored with a project and like to move on, and learning new stuff is always good.
I will keep you posted of further developments, of course.


tcl yer OS with a feather?

Just testing posting from my

Just testing posting from my mobile phone...

testing 1 2 3

And now, testing e-mail posting...

Translation & Interpreting

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño,
y se gloría de grandes cosas.
He aquí, un pequeño fuego
¡Cuán grande bosque enciende!

testing petrus

Okay, just for starters, I've downloaded and installed Petrus, a blogging client written in Java, for linux or mac (using Debian gnu/linux here), and giving it a test drive. I've written blogging clients for livejournal and insanejournal (being TKLJ for LJ and Tickle Therapy for insanejournal), and also wrote in LJ and IJ posting capabilities into the text editor I wrote (TclText), so, perhaps I should simply look into configuring them to work with blogger, too...likely not that difficult, but, in the meantime, I'm trying this petrus out. If you are reading this post, it worked.

and so it begins...

Once more, I am attempting to start a new blog.
I have numerous blogs, at the moment, on various providers (blogspot, livejournal, nabble, etc.), each dealing with a variety of topics (free software, my art, translations, music).
This time, I want to start one blog to rule them all...
One blog, where I will write all of my entries, rather than schizophrenically dividing myself into multiple online personalities.
This blog is mine, and will be me, and I will post my art, my poetry, my music, my software, musing about the translation industry, political developments, thoughts on parenting, recipes...everything.
I've imported previous posts from two blogger blogs that I previously held, to consolidate previous efforts, and make a new beginning.

Friday, July 3, 2009

New Developments at

I just thought I'd drop in and mention that there have been quite a few new developments at
Not only has the site, itself, been completely overhauled, but there have been several new software releases.
TclUP, TDict, and TclText all saw new releases, while we also released our first Python program, Shakes, a Shakespearean insult generator...just for fun.
We also released new documentation for Anaphraseus, free/open source CAT software, which, of course, isn't one of OUR programs, but a project we use and wish to support.
So, pop over to and check out the new look-n-feel, new forums, new newsblog, new releases, new documentation, etc., etc., etc.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Roberta Sulls


acrylic on aquarelle
9 x 12

This is is my friend, Roberta Sulls, who is in her own right, an amazing artist, from whom I have much to learn, and who has been a great, dear friend whom I adore for many years.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009



acrylic on aquarelle
14 x 11

I couldn't resist the urge to paint.

I'd better get back to my translation work.



acrylic on aquarelle
11 x 14

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Yeterday I was m@n1c.
I'm bipolar.
I had an appointment with my psych dude, and I was bopping all over his office.
I was trying to contain myself, since I enjoy these manic phases, and I didn't want him to increase my dosage of Abilfy, or something. It's working to ameliorate the depression, but, please, please, don't take my manic days from me! They're just TOO MUCH FUN to fork over.
I couldn't even sit still in the waiting room. I wandered all over the clinic, checking out the paintings on the walls, and stuff. I was chatting with the schizophrenic patients.
You's the free clinic, since I have no insurance. You go there, and you can stare at people and stuff, because they just figure you're crazy, or something. I enjoy that.
There was some cool stuff on the walls. I dig looking at art work.
In the office, I was like,"I'm NOT cr@zy!"
Of course, if the syrup is not on the table before the pancakes, it will definitely be too late...Yeah...
I amuse myself.

In my manic panic, I was rather productive. I completed the translation of some documents from Chile about some lawsuit over underhanded stock sales, and, now, I'm working on some documents from Brazil about building facilities for a huge soccer tournament. I have another job on the back burner.
It's good to be busy again...but why does it happen as soon as I want to do something else?
Oh yeah, something else..
I have some ideas for a few paintings I want to do, but I've been busy with work, and probably will be for a day or two more.
Sometimes I have ideas for paintings, but then lack the skill to fully realize my ideas. I hate that.

In other news, we have more snow.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

amor nos quemará outra vez

ainda que el sol brilha nessa verão sem fim
e as noites nem se esfriam, deixando meu corpo
ferver numa piscina de soar na cama
onde posso ouvir você respirar
e ver seu corpo quente ao meu lado
com um fogo de desejos cursando as minhda veias
me sento frio e nua
sem abrigo contra o vento sem miseracordia
e minha alma chora no silêncio da noite
chora de saudades, de dor inaguentável
para seus lábios
meu único remedio...

© a baldwin - 07/29/2008

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Go South, young man, and grow up with the samba

I have work, which is good, because work has been so very slow since July, and gotten progressively slower. I hope it picks up again, soon.
From about August of 2006 to July of 2008 I had so much work, I didn't sleep.
Life was good! I had dough, etc.
Then, with the passing of a resolution in the European Patent Commission stating that patents no longer need to be translated, and the falling of the banks and other industries this summer, everything has gotten deadly quiet. Oh yeah, and my broker flushed 96% of my dough down the drain.
My money has run out.
As you know, I interviewed at a local private school on Friday, for a part-time position teaching English, Geography and Civics to 7th and 8th graders.
I haven't yet heard from the school. I phoned looking for the Rabbi (it's a Jewish school), but he wasn't in, so I left a message.
I've also moved my office into my living room, and am trying to rent the former office as a bedroom to get a roommate to help with the rent. I've had a few inquiries, but, so far only one person came to see the room, and they didn't take it.
At the moment, I'm translating documents from Brazil. Most of my work seems to come from Brazil, now. In the past, most came from the US and from Europe.
Only Brazil seems to have a burgeoning economy, at the moment. People speak of China becoming the next world power. They're wrong. It will be Brazil. They are stronger in natural resources, agriculture, industry, than any other nation. The only thing that's held them back for so long was unstable government, but they've been on the right track now for a while. O Sr. Presidente Lula is a good president.
I want to move to Brazil.

Monday, January 12, 2009

ticking insanity: new Tickle Text release

I just added Insane Journal capabilities to Tickle Text, my super gro0vy, fully featured, tcl/tk text editor....

I so rock.
Now back to my translation work...

Delasonica - Volar

Descubrí este grupo en Last.FM
Me gustan MUCHO sus canciones, entonces, pedí el disco de Amazon, aunque no me queda mucho dinero.
Música es importante...Siempre tengo dinero para músicas y libros.

Delasonica - Volar

Descubrí este grupo en Last.FM
Me gustan MUCHO sus canciones, entonces, pedí el disco de Amazon, aunque no me queda mucho dinero.
Música es importante...
Sé poco del grupo, entonces, ustedes me van haber que enseñar algo....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

geeking and tickling...

I realize I haven't really posted much here about the software I've written.
First of all, it is all FREE/Open Source Software released under the terms of the Gnu Public License, and all of it is written in Tcl/Tk.
I've written software to assist me in automating parts of the project management process in my translation business, a front-end for mplayer (audio/video player), a screenshot shooter and uploader, an ftp client, an online dictionary look-up tool, an excellent text editor, an LJ client and an Insane Journal client...what else...I don't know.
Here's a screenshot of Tickle Text:

But I just started learning to program a bit over a year ago, and I do it for fun, and the software is all available free for download at

current desktop

Displaying Tickle Therapy, my Insane Journal client, Tickle Screen, the screenshot shooter/uploader I wrote, xmms, and sakura terminal emulator.
I probably should have put my tunes on with Tickle Tunes, the front end I wrote for Mplayer...but, I didn't.

I know...I'm a geek...

tribute to jerry g

My tribute to Jerry Garcia, recorded live, in my office, to one track, today, 01/11/09:

to lay me down


I completed two translation jobs today.
One was rather brief, some Spanish documents referring to the cancellation of a lease.
The other was an article from Brasil regarding an assessment instrument for social skills in preschool children, to be published in a European academic journal on psychology.

Now, I have a 37 page project due on Friday, Spanish materials, legal in nature.

Business is picking up, it seems, but I'm afraid to have faith that we're back in business as before.
It's been so sporadic for the last 5 months.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

blog clients

I know I've written a couple of blog clients for myself, for livejournal and insane, which I should probably consolidate into one, but they lack some features.
They're good for tossing up a quick post, but lack the means to choose with user pic, and also download and edit previous posts, and a few other things, but they work with LJ and Insane Journal, which Logjam also does.
But neither mine, nor Logjam, will work with Blogger.
Now, I also found Petrus, which works with Blogger and Livejournal, but I can't seem to get it to play with Insane Journal.
If I could have one client that was fully featured, but worked with all three, that would simplify my life, since, at this point, I am maintaining not one, but two Livejournals, one Insane Journal, and a one two three blogpots.


A college days....

I'm on the bottom step here:

This must have been about 1989 or 1990.
I was on vacation from Purdue, and in Boston with my brother (to my immediate left), and his friends Scott and Andy (next to guys going up), who made me an honorary member of their fraternity, Phi Iota Lamba.

I drew myself

self sketch

I drew myself...
I don't know why...I have work to do, and I'm tired...

Friday, January 9, 2009

el vaiven de ruedas

I took Rhianna (my kid) and Jonysah (her bff) rollerskating tonight.
We LOVE rollerskating!

The job interview went well.

Before the interview, I met with the totally cool, art teacher, dominicana, gothy, hip chick I took out on New Years for coffee, and to discuss my assisting her in building a website to display her art.

Somebody just called about the room to rent.

I have work to do, now...Three projects, in fact.

Perhaps we've passed the nadir on the wheel of fortune.

But I'm tired, and that work will wait until tomorrow, I believe....

Job Interview!

I have a job interview at 3pm today with the So. CT Hebrew Academy in Orange, CT, for a position teaching 7th and 8th grade Language Arts and History, part time.

I'm excited!

For those who don't know, I taught 7th and 8th grade in CT public schools prior to becoming a translator.

Wish me luck!

Or, perhaps, Lachaim!

be well,


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I thought I'd share my latest painting with you.
You can view many, many more, portraits, fantasy images, nudes and figures, religious art, etc., at
This painting is a portrait of Reeja, a model I met on
Incidentally, if you would like me to paint a portrait of you, or someone you love, etc., I can do that. In fact, at the moment I am offering to paint portraits for FREE, just to have some new subjects and build up my portrait portfolio.
More info at the portrait page on, where you can also see other examples of my work, of course.

Lj friends, say hi...

If you're an LJ friend and you've just wandered over, and you have a blogspot, let me know...I will add you to the blogs I am following. I think that will work like the LJ friend's page, after all.


I may begin to actually post here...I haven't decided.
I have heard rumors that LiveJournal, may be on the path of the dodo. I have maintained two blogs there (photodharma-art/photos/poetry, etc/, and tonytraductor - translation, hacking, etc.) for some time, but, I am considering consolidating all of my blogging on one blog...Why not?
All of my art, photos, software hacking adventures, and adventures in the translation industry.
I will either do so here, or at the new xanga acct I just opened, IF, and only if, LJ truly buys the farm, which I am hoping does not happen...
Although consolidating all of my blogging in one place does make sense to me, even though I am likely to post on such a broad range of topics...paintings one day, thoughs on open source/free software, open file formats, poems another day, thoughs on buddhism, or politics, or food, or Rock en Español...anything.
All in one place. does look pretty cool, and seems to have a bit more of the community building spirit that LiveJournal has, but, I have to confess blogspot has been around for a while, and is also a valid blogging tool.
I just wish it had "friends' page" like LJ has, so one could add one's friends to a list and read them all from one page...
Whaddaya think?
