Monday, May 31, 2010

Supercomputing by operating system: Linux RULES THE ROOST!

From the BBC: In Graphics: Supercomputing superpowers.
supercomputers by OS, LINUX RULES!

Supercomputer graph, by operating system: Linux RULES THE ROOST!

a surprise? I think not....
The data used to generate the interactive treemap visualisation come from a draft of the June 2010 TOP500 Supercomputing list. This ranks most of the world's fastest supercomputers twice a year. There may be minor differences between this list and the final published list.

The graphic allows you to see the visualise the list by the speed of each machine; the operating systems used; what it is used for; the country where it is based; the maker of the silicon chips used to build the machine and the manufacturer of the super computer.

The maps were produced using the Prefuse Flare software, developed by the University of California Berkeley.

Friday, May 21, 2010

iDenTickle updated, again!

I did it again.
I added more stuff to iDenTickle, again.

This time, I added the option of updating your gNewBook microblog.

I also added a handy little "clear" button.

Also, the setup and about "windows" are now just frames that appear in the main interface, rather than distinct windows.

posted with Xpostulate

iDenTickle version 1.1

Well...I just couldn't leave well enough alone.
Yesterday I released version 1.0 of IdenTickle, my tcl/tk denter/tweeter tool...but I just kept thinking, it could be better.
The interface could be cleaner, with the setup stuff separate.
And, perhaps an about button, as is common, to bring up a little dialog with a bit of info, and direct the user to the homepage.
Plus buttons to open your browser to your or twitter feed...stuff like that.

So, today you have IdenTickle version 1.1.

The main interface.

and, when you open the setup tab/frame to enter your setup information.
As you'll recall, v 1.0 was already saving your login data (previous version required entry of said data, every time...annoying).


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Iden.Tcl v 1.0 released

Moments ago, I released a new version of IdenTickle, the tcl/tk and twitter status update tool..

Now it saves your login information, so you don't have to enter it every time.
Additionally, I built installers for Windows and Linux.
(Mac and BSD folks, etc., will still have to install from source...sorry).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Convert .html to .pdf in gnu/linux

There are various options for converting .html files to .pdf in a gnu/linux operating system. Your choice of methods will depend on the complexity of the file you wish to convert, and your familiarity with the tools a gnu/linux system provides.

What you'll need:

  • Gnu/linux operating system

  • Html file

  • Web browser


  • office suite

  • wget

  • html2ps

  • ps2pdf

Simply "Print to file"
One very simple option for creating a .pdf file from an .html file is to simply open the file in your browser, and choose, print. When the print dialog arises, choose "Print to File", and indicate "PDF". This will write the html file out to pdf format.
html to pdf conversion: print to file

Here is a pdf of this article generated in this fashion: converthtml2pdfgnulinux.pdf

"Print to File" works well for basic html files with simple text and some images. If the html file in question has more complex formatting, this option may not always produce the best results. Luckily, other options exist.

Save the html file to your computer (if you haven't already done so), and open it with's html editor (ooweb). Then simply go to the "File" menu, and choose "Export". will then offer you the usual options for saving a file, such as choosing where to save it, and what title to give the file, and, preso-magico, will produce a .pdf file from your .html file.

Command Line

Of course, no linux how to article would be complete without instructions on how to accomplish your task using only the magical Bash command line interface. For those so inclined, then, the following is a complete process for acquiring an .html file and converting it to a .pdf file. In order to proceed with this method, the following software must be installed on the your computer: wget, html2ps, and ps2pdf. These programs are either already a part of most gnu/linux distributions, by default, or can be easily acquired with your favorite package manager (apt, yum, pacman, portage, etc.)

First, let's save the file to your computer:

Next, let's convert the .html file to a postscript or .ps file:
html2ps yourfile.html >

Then, we'll convert the postscript file, finally, to a .pdf file:

You should now have "yourfile.pdf".

This could, of course, all be scripted.


# convert webpages to pdf files
# get url
echo "Enter the url of the page to be converted:"
read page
#download page
wget $page

file=$(basename $page)
#convert to postscript
html2ps $file > $
#convert to pdf
ps2pdf $
#clean up extraneous files
rm -f $file
rm -f $
#clean up file name
rename "s/.html.pdf/.pdf/g" *.pdf

echo "done"


Here is a pdf of this article, generated via this command line method: convertweb2pdflinux.pdf
Notice, it is different from the above pdf created with "Print to file".
One difference, which, depending on your goals, may be either advantageous or undesired, is that text in this file can be selected and copied, which is not true of the first file.


In many cases, you may wish to create a pdf file from a complex .html or .xhtml file that includes .css (cascading style sheet) or other elements, that will not render in the above methods in such a manner as to produce a file that appears as it does on the Internet.

For those cases, there is a program called xhtml2pdf. This program is not as likely to be a part of most gnu/linux distributions by default, nor available from said distributions' repositories. As such, you may to have to download and install it by hand. Thankfully, the site for this program is easily enough found at, and, of course, the program is free, open source software.

And, of course, here is a pdf of this article generated with xhtml2pdf: xhtml2pdfconversion.pdf

There's more!

Yet other methods exist for generating .pdf file from .html files, of course, and an attempt to compile an exhaustive list, with instructions for each, would be beyond the scope of this article.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

voice recordings

Voice recordings by Tony Baldwin:

Notes: These recordings were made in my office, not a professional studio, using a cheap microphone plugged into my soundcard.
All software used to make these recordings was Free Open Source Software.
I used Audacity to record and export files to .wav and .ogg, and ffmpeg to create mp3 files.

The computer used runs Debian Gnu/Linux (stable/lenny).

To hear music I've recorded in similar fashion (I play guitar and sing): click here.

English Literature:


  1. Prologue to the Canterbury Tales (in Middle English): mp3 / ogg
  2. Edgar Allen Poe

    1. The Telltale Heart: mp3 / ogg

    2. Spanish Literature / Literatura en Español

      Pablo Neruda

      1. Cuerpo de Mujer: mp3 / ogg

      2. French Literature / Literature en Français

        Charles Beaudelaire:

        1. L'Homme et la Mer: mp3 / ogg

        2. Brazilian and Portuguese Literature / Literatura Brasileira e Portuguesa


          1. Soneta de Fidelidade por Vinícius Moraes: mp3 / ogg
          2. Sunday, May 9, 2010


            I like a nice, clean, simple, uncluttered desktop.
            Here, we're looking at openbox, running on Debian Gnu/Linux (stable, lenny), with not desktop environment elements (panels, icons, etc.), but only a small conky script to display a few system parameters and a clock. Also pictured in this first shot are Xpostulate, TclTxt, and a roxterm.

            Just a roxterm, displaying lyrics/tabs for a song, Animal by Chilean rock group, La Ley (click to see the video).
            And in this last, again, TclText and Roxterm:

            Friday, May 7, 2010

            Avatar in Brazil: James Cameron and the Xingu Peoples

            I found this article immensely interesting:
            Avatar in Para? James Cameron speaks on Avatar, Brazil, and Belo Monte
            By Amy Lieberman

            Power and Xingu
            In James Cameron's Blockbuster hit Avatar, an indigenous people called the Na'vi try to fend off a private military force from invading their mineral-rich land. In the Brazilian state of Para, the situation isn't all that different, as 13 indigenous tribes are working to prevent the construction of the Belo Monte electro-power plant.

            Though the plant would equip Brazil with a much-needed energy source, as the government says, it also stands to destroy 160 square miles of Amazon forest and dry up a 60-mile stretch of the Xingu River, uprooting 20,000 local people from their homes and destroying their livelihoods.
            read the interview with Jame Cameron

            Altamira - Belo Monte Dam from Tribes Alive on Vimeo.

            For more information
            Power and the Xingu
            Xingu Indians
            Xingu River; Environment and Geography
            Wikipedia: Xingu (people)
            Wikipedia: Xingu (river)

            Wednesday, May 5, 2010

            ¡Viva México! ¡Viva le Virgen de Guadalupe!

            Por el Cinco de Mayo, les presento algunas de mis canciones favoritas de México:
            (for Cinco de Mayo (May 5) I present for you some of my favorite songs from Mexico).

            ¡Viva México! ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!

            First, Maná:

            Download MP3 songs from Maná

            Now, Los Jaguares:

            MP3s from Jaguares

            Julieta Venegas:

            More songs from Julieta Venegas

            Now, Cafe Tacuba:

            Songs from Cafe Tacuba

            And last, but not least, Delasonica:

            MP3s from Delasonica

            TuxTrans - gnu/linux for translators

            This morning I awoke to find announcement in my inbox of the release of Tux Trans, a gnu/linux distribution, based on Ubuntu Linux.

            Tuxtrans includes all of the software any professional needs for their usual office and communications needs, including web browsers, e-mail clients, VoIP and chat, the fully featured OpenOffice office suite (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.), tools for multimedia, pdf file manipulation, creation, and other desktop publication tools, plus additional programs specifically useful to translators, including CAT (Computer Aided Translation) software, text aligment tools, software localization, tools, even video subtitling tools, such as:

            With these tools, any professional translator is fully equipped to conquer the industry. Seriously.
            The underlying system, Ubuntu gnu/Linux, of course, is a solid, fully featured, and very popular gnu/linux distrubtion (I have Ubuntu on my laptop and my netbook, but Debian on my desktops).
            Tuxtrans can be tried without affecting your current system, being a LiveCD distrubtion (it can run from a CDRom, without being installed to or effecting your hard drive, while, installation is, of course, an option once you've tried it).

            Kudos to Peter Sandrini for putting this all together!