Wednesday, May 30, 2012


http://www.SunHaven.Info - let's take New Haven into the future, and make solar powered infrastructure a reality. #newhaven #ct #solar

Friday, May 11, 2012

African Daisies (again) on my front porch

another test

There's something weird going on at posterous. API calls are creating new spaces with weird names, like Also, while I seem to be able to successfully post and make other api calls with bash curl, doing so with php-curl was working, and now isn't, and this seems to be for a while, then stops, so, it's not my code, it's something going on at posterous' end.

The Debian Administrator's Handbook

Read the Debian Administrator's Handbook online. Written by two Debian developers — Raphaël Hertzog and Roland Mas — the Debian Administrator's Handbook started as a translation of their French best-seller known as Cahier de l'admin Debian (published by Eyrolles). It's a fantastic resource for all users of a Debian-based distribution. Accessible to all, this book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independant Debian GNU/Linux administrator. It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master, from the installation and the update of the system, up to the creation of packages and the compilation of the kernel, but also monitoring, backup and migration, without forgetting advanced topics like SELinux setup to secure services, automated installations, or virtualization with Xen, KVM or LXC. or: Buy a hard copy. [hr] (and don't forget to see who contributed! Hmmm...indeed, that Anthony Baldwin of Baldwin Linguas mentioned does look familiar...I learned a lot working on this project, and had fun, too.) #debian #sysadmin

testing 1 2 3

testing 1 2 3 is this thing on? sent over api from bash, curl, vim see

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finding your Posterous site_id

So, I wrote a plugin that allows users of friendica to cross-post to their posterous blog.
Configuration of the plugin requires the user to know their username, password, api_token, and site_id.

Finding your api_token is easy enough: Just go to and use the first query to get it.

Finding your site_id is not so clear cut, I'm afraid. I could not find reference to this value anywhere in my user profile on posterous, nor find any mention in the help and FAQ portions of the posterous site.
It's does one find this value?
Of course, if you have more than one posterous blog or site, you will have multiple site_id numbers, but with the friendica plugin only works with one. Presumably, you would use it for a personal posterous blog, or, if you have a friendica acct. set up for some other entity, you would use the posterous site associated with said entity. But, to the matter at hand, how to find this site_id number?
Well, I did figure out how, and it requires a call made over API (not trivial for most users), so I've created two means to find a site_id.:

At this page, you can enter your username, password, and api_token, and the page will return your site ID.
The underlying code of the page is show here:
so you can see what the page is doing (to be sure I'm not collecting your login data to post nekkid pix of your mum to your blog or anything, etc.)

That page will only work for those with a single posterous blog (or, at the very least, if you have multiple blogs, it will only return the site_id for the first one), so another method is needed for those who have multiple blogs to sort out their IDs.
For that, at I also have included a bash script which will make the same API call, then list all your site nicknames and associated site_id numbers. Full code of the script is shown, with sample output.

I post this here for anyone else as mystified as I was about how to find this value.

keywords: api posterous site_id


site id

How does one find their posterous site_id?

I don't see this information anywhere.  Some I figured mine out months and months ago, but I do not recall how, and need to inform other users how to find theirs.

Today in History

May 09 Pinza died, 1957
May 09 94 degrees, New York, 1979
May 09 VE day, end of Second World War, celebrated in many countries
May 09 Manuel 'ranty' Estrada Sainz died in car accident, 2004
May 09 Andres 'ErConde' Garcia died in car accident, 2004
May 09 Bonne fête aux Pacôme !
May 09 Gergely
May 09 Жеңіс қүні
#history @History

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Post from Friendica


trying again...

posting from friendica...
this is a test.

#posterous #friendica

test post over api with php

this post is just a test.

African Daisies

on my front porch more floral photography by tony #flora #flowers #photos



floral photography by tony baldwin

Why posterous...why? API

So, why is it I can post to posterous with this script: but can not with this php code: ?? Granted, I'm no php wizard, but I can't find any syntax errors, and I get no error messages back, but posts sent with this code do not come through? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? #api #posterous #bash #php #curl

Monday, May 7, 2012

testing 1 2 3

My posts from friendica have not been coming through regularly for a few days, so I am sending a test post over API with this script (, to see if that works. Any errors I receive may eludicate the matter, at least. Or, if this makes it through, I will have to look elsewhere to determine the issue. ./tony

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Today in History

May 02 Dr. Benjamin Spock born, 1903
May 02 King's Birthday in Lesotho
May 02 N'oubliez pas les Boris !
May 02 Auflösung der Gewerkschaften, 1933
May 02 Zsigmond
#history @History
via Friendica

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

wet my tulips

Image/photo - art & photos by tony baldwin

@Gardener @Photo Shooters #tulips #flower #photo

via Friendica

Today in History

May 01 Little Walter (Marion Walter Jacobs) is born in Alexandria,
Louisiana, 1930
May 01 St Philip and St James
May 01 First BASIC program run at Dartmouth, 1964
May 01 Beltaine; Feast of the god Bel, sun god
May 01 Labor Day in many places in the USA
May 01 May Day in many places
May 01 US Law Day (decl. by Eisenhower)
May 01 Workers' Day in South Africa
May 01 Kate Smith born, 1909
May 01 Antonin Dvorak dies in Prague, 1904
May 01 May Day / Beltane / Bealtaine - Celtic bonfire festival
May 01 Día de la Constitución Argentina, 1853
May 01 Praznik rada
May 01 Dag van de Arbeid
May 01 Fête du travail
May 01 Maifeiertag
May 01 Munka ünnepe
May 01 Fülöp, Jakab
May 01 Қазақстан халқының бірлігі мерекесі
May 01 День учителя
May 01 Новогодние каникулы
May 01 День начала контрнаступления советских войск против немецко-фашистских войск в битве под Москвой (1941 год)
May 01* Радуница
May 01 Workers Day in South Africa
#history @History
via Friendica

posted with fren.tcl

@The Final Frontier

via Friendica