Sunday, September 25, 2011

Preview of Xpostulate Improvements

A preview of what's to come...

Thinking of UI enhancements, I added the Xpostulate little icon thingy right into the GUI.

What do you think?

Recently support has been added for Friendika, and other improvements have been made. I mentioned them elsewhere, but neglected to post to this blog. Support was removed for iziblog and (both are non-existent now), and scribbd (spam haven). Support was added for custom wordpress installations.

Other items on their way:
  • Posterous support. I have interacted with the posterous api via bash with curl, so, just need to translate my scripting for that to tcl with http. Cake, but requires time. I thought I would have that done this past week, but, no joy...too much work (somebody's gotta pay the rent around here).
  • Blogger support. - The great and benevolent Google® has granted me an API key, and I have looked at the API, but not yet played with it, but this is likely to come this season...soon, me dro0gies.

  • Read your statusnet public timeline or updates from a specific person. This I have, again, done in bash, so just a matter of coding it into tcl. Although, I question if this is appropriate for Xpostulate, and whether it might not be better to do this with iDenTickles only, since iDenTickles is a microblogging client, and Xpostulate is intended for crossposting to blogs, not reading others' updates.

  • Download, edit, & republish older entries. This is on my todo list, but for each blogging service I have to look at how their API handles this, and then code stuff in, and develop new GUI elements for housing various functions, and blah, blah, blah. It will be work..heavy lifting...but it's on my TODO list.

posted with Xpostulate