Monday, December 27, 2010



These three words should never be used in the same sentence, let alone be a reality. But for millions of the world’s most vulnerable citizens these words define their childhood descent into sexual slavery.

Love146 is a non-profit international human rights organization that is dedicated to the abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation through prevention and aftercare. The industry of human trafficking, and specifically child sex trafficking, is the second largest illegal money-making industry in the world, second only to drug trafficking. Human trafficking will soon surpass drug trafficking, as drugs can be used only once; but children in sexual slavery and exploitation perhaps 15 times a day. Every day. For years. But there is hope. My hope for you is to be as inspired by these children as I have been.

There are currently around 14 million trafficked worldwide, some as young as three years old, many forced into sexual slavery. Unicef estimates 1.2 million additional children are trafficked every year. That is 2 every minute. They must endure an unimaginable fate. They are the currency in a brutal trade, sex trafficking.

Intervention is imperative. We must achieve no less than the ABOLITION of child sex trafficking. This is modern-day slavery on a scale never before seen in human history. You may wonder how so many children are trafficked. The tactics of traffickers are varied and creative. Some children are kidnapped, others are promised good jobs in far away cities, and others are knowingly sold to these traffickers due to extreme poverty. Where there is poverty, there is opportunity for trafficking. And where there is a demand for the exploitation of these children by predators, there is a market to traffickers. These children become mere commodities.

But this is not just a problem for others, far removed from our borders. Child sex trafficking is not just taking place in Russia, India, Latin America and South East Asia, it is happening worldwide on an epidemic scale, including here in the United States. Martin Luther King once wrote, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. This is happening in our own back yard, down the street from our houses, within our communities. These slaves are trafficked into our country for exploitation here. They are sold through our classified ads in local papers, on websites and online communities right under our very noses. This is not just “someone else’s problem”. We are
compelled as human beings to take responsibility for these children and to fight with all our power to restore their childhoods, their lives and their potential.

What do we do about the issue? LOVE146 works alongside organizations who physically rescue these children. But these organizations have a huge problem – they could rescue literally thousands more children from brothels right now, today, but there are virtually no safe aftercare facilities in which to place them nor trained caregivers to restore them. These children cannot be liberated from bondage only to end up at risk of starvation, homelessness, or being re-trafficked and re-exploited. So - at this very moment, children in brothels around the world could be set free if additional safehomes and trained caregivers existed.

This is Love146’s mission - To work toward the abolition of child sex trafficking and exploitation through prevention and aftercare. LOVE146 trains aftercare workers, multiplies safehomes, aids socioeconomic development programs in high-risk communities and provides a voice for these survivors of modern-day slavery. The trafficking and rape of children for profit is one of the darkest stories on the planet. This physical, mental and emotional trauma leaves children broken and scarred for life. Intervention for these children are critical to their survival. Without safehomes and trained care-givers this cannot happen. This is why Love146 exists.

Try to convey the sensitivity of the issue while explaining that this situation needs urgent attention. Love146 understands how vast this issue is, but we also believe there is real hope. Child sex slavery can and must be abolished, not just diminished. Tell the story of a child who has been rescued out of sex slavery and is now healthy (you can visit our website for stories). Connecting to statistics is difficult, but people can connect with an individual’s story. Inspiration and awareness will lead to action; action will lead to abolition and restoration.

Love146 understands how vast this issue is, but we also believe there is real hope.

Child sex slavery can and must be abolished, not just diminished.

Learn more here

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Web Developments

I've decided that, in addition to my freelance translation and interpreting services, I should diversify my offerings. As you know, I've been making my own websites since about 2000, and I really enjoy it.

So, I created this page: Baldwin Web Services to start showcasing my work and offering such services.

This past week, as a showcase of a wordpress site, I made:

rock en espanol - a wordpress site by tony baldwin
Rock en Espanol - a wordpress site by tony baldwin

And, I made my first joomla installation, and created:

Baldwin Web Services:  a Joomla site by tony baldwin
Baldwin Web Services: a Joomla site by tony baldwin

I'm rather proud of myself.

At the moment, Rhianna has her first boricua friend here.
pa la primera vez, estoy tocando salsa, bachata, vallenato y merengue en la casa, y my hijita no se está quejando!
Yesterday we took her ice skating, and that was AWESOME! We'll probably do that again. It's not as co0l as roller-skating, of course, but, still, it was fun.

Now, I really really really MUST get back to work ... tonso work ... how I find time to play with the internet and this log and all is completely a mystery....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Abolish Slavery

Abolish Modern Slavery

But...slavery is a thing of the past, no?


Today, it is estimated that 27 million people live enslaved.

There are more slaves today than at any prior time in human history.

Trafficking in persons is SLAVERY, invovling victims who are forced, defrauded, or coerced into labor or sexual exploitation

The trafficking of humans it the 2nd MOST LUCRATIVE CRIME IN THE WORLD.

Approximately 80% of people trafficked are female.  Of these, HALF ARE GIRLS (minors).

About 100,000 U.S. children are forcefully engaged in prostitution or pornography every year.

Astonishingly, in the first 48 hours of being on the street, 1 IN 3 CHILDREN ARE FORCED INTO PROSTITUTION.

Between 15,000 and 17,000 people are trafficked into the U.S. each year.

About half are forced to participate in commercial sexual exploitation.


How can I learn more, and be part of the solution?

Follow any of the links below:
146 Task Force
AbolishSlavery Coalition
CASTTrafficked Women
Stopthe Traffic
iStop Traffic
Stop Human Traffic

Free the Slaves

Abolish Slavery

Sunday, August 22, 2010

art of tony baldwin 2010

I have published a book of my poetr, art, and photos.

Find it here:

art of tony baldwin
art of tony baldwin 2010

It can be read online, or purchased both as a pdf download, or a bound and print copy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Co0l Linux tricks: Hide files in an image

Here's a cool trick I just learned.
You can, in a gnu/linux system, hide files within an image file.
Why you might want to do so, of course, is open to speculation, but the "how" is really rather simple.

  1. Choose an image file, any image file. For this example, I will choose a wallpaper I made, say, debianolive.png. Copy this image to a directory with the documents you wish to hide.

  2. Compress the files or documents you wish to hide. This is simple enough. In terminal do:
    :~$ zip file1 file2

  3. Then, in terminal, simply do:
    cat debianolive.png > debianolive.png

All done.

This creates an image with the name "debianolive.png", which contains our documents.
When we wish to retrieve said documents, we rename the file to
:~$ mv debianolive.png
Then unzip:
:~$ unzip
and you have your files back.

Handy! Nifty!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Adventures with an Everex Cloudbook (Debian saves the day!)

I bought an Everex Cloudbook on e-bay about a year ago. It came with Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Herron on it. I immediately made some changes, removing gnome, adding ion3 (eventually replaced with wmii), lightened the load a bit.
For some reason, the wifi was fickle (most of the time it didn't work, but sometimes it did).
It sat around here for most of this past year without much use, so, I recently ordered a usbkey with Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 on it. Finally, these past few days I got around to install that, completely wiping hardy herron from the machine.
The wifi worked flawlessly, out of the box, once that was done. Karmic Koala (ubuntu 9.10) had some groOvy features. I replaced the nauseating, bloated, useless netbook remix interface with XFCE (xubuntu-desktop).
All in all, not too bad.
But, sadly, the machine frequenly froze. Sometimes the system would stop taking input from the mousepad and keyboard, but the system was not frozen (stilly playing music, graphical elements still moving on screen).
I read hundreds of ubuntu forum entries, and it seems thousands of users were having similar problems, for a thousand reasons, and with a thousand different "solutions", none of which resolved the issue for me.
I tried to upgrade to the lastest ubuntu (Lucid Lynx, 10.04) via the update manager.
Lucid Lynx gave me even more problems...Numerous problems. Not only did the system to continue to freeze, but fonts were rendered so badly in gnome that they were unreadable, and the xfce panel had swelled to the size of the entire screen, so, pretty well all graphical elements were useless.
So, current ubuntu offerings on the cloudbook were decidedly not working out well for me.

So, today I did what probably I should have done a year ago when I bought the machine.
I read up on how to make my own bootable iso usb key, downloaded the Debian Business Card iso,
and loaded Debian/Stable (Lenny) onto this little machine.
Guess what.

screenshot, actual size!

Everything is working out of the box. Wifi, sound, everything.
Now, had I read the instructions for installing from the business card iso, I would have known that I could have installed with an XFCE desktop by default, by using the parameter "desktop=xfce" upon boot, but I neglect to read that far until it was already halfway through installation. I had to spend a bit of time removing all the bloated unnecessary gnome crap, and now have a lightweight and functional XFCE desktop on the machine.
It's great! I installed FBReader to read ebooks (and evince for ebooks in pdf format), MOC (music on console) for listening to tunes (loaded up some Mana, Francis Cabrel, Grateful Dead, Bach, and a few other goodies onto the sdcard hdd already). I installed google-chrome browser.
Everything is working perfectly, no lock ups or freezes, etc. I was initially worried that getting wifi up and running was going to require all kinds of gymnastics, but, it simply wasn't true. Wifi worked out of the box. No problem.
So, if you find one of these little gems lying around, fire up a usbkey iso of Debian Stable and have at it.
You'll have a nifty, useful little machine on your hands.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Collateral Murder

Assassinato Colateral from Passa Palavra on Vimeo.

This video, leaked by Wikileaks, shows the U.S. military killing dozens of civilians in the Iraq War.
In 2007, during a raid in New Baghdad, Iraq, two US military Apache helicopters mistook Reuters journalists and their equipment (cameras) with insurgents carrying AK-47 and RPG (grenade launcher).
Within minutes a group of people were brutally murdered by attack helicopters. A dozen people were murdered without showing any kind of threat. Two children were seriously injured in the attack.
The case resulted in broad repercussions, and its authenticity was confirmed by an anonymous U.S. soldier.
The site, Wikileaks, was responsible for the leak of the video.
The site proposes to make governments accountable through the public release of sensitive and confidential files. Anyone can send a file to Wikileaks. Through a strong system of encryption and anonymity, the source is preserved. Particularly notable among the leaks have been the documents referring to the Guantanamo base, data on the war on Iraq and Afghanistan, the list of members of the British Nationalist Party, and even a document from the Pentagon in 2008, describing methods and strategies to marginalize the site and legally pursue all possible sources of leaks, because at the time, Wikileaks was publishing information regarding human rights violations during the invasion of Fallujah, Iraq.
The name of the video is a derived from the military term "Collateral Damage", used in reference to non-deliberate or accidental damages.
According to an internal review of the army, the helicopters attacked insurgents, and two Reuters journalists were killed as collateral damage.
The version of the video, above, was taken from, a Brazilian site, and includes subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese.

I haven't been able to verify this, but I have heard that the person who passed this video to Wikileaks has been detained. I wouldn't be surprised if that were confirmed, of course.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Supercomputing by operating system: Linux RULES THE ROOST!

From the BBC: In Graphics: Supercomputing superpowers.
supercomputers by OS, LINUX RULES!

Supercomputer graph, by operating system: Linux RULES THE ROOST!

a surprise? I think not....
The data used to generate the interactive treemap visualisation come from a draft of the June 2010 TOP500 Supercomputing list. This ranks most of the world's fastest supercomputers twice a year. There may be minor differences between this list and the final published list.

The graphic allows you to see the visualise the list by the speed of each machine; the operating systems used; what it is used for; the country where it is based; the maker of the silicon chips used to build the machine and the manufacturer of the super computer.

The maps were produced using the Prefuse Flare software, developed by the University of California Berkeley.

Friday, May 21, 2010

iDenTickle updated, again!

I did it again.
I added more stuff to iDenTickle, again.

This time, I added the option of updating your gNewBook microblog.

I also added a handy little "clear" button.

Also, the setup and about "windows" are now just frames that appear in the main interface, rather than distinct windows.

posted with Xpostulate

iDenTickle version 1.1

Well...I just couldn't leave well enough alone.
Yesterday I released version 1.0 of IdenTickle, my tcl/tk denter/tweeter tool...but I just kept thinking, it could be better.
The interface could be cleaner, with the setup stuff separate.
And, perhaps an about button, as is common, to bring up a little dialog with a bit of info, and direct the user to the homepage.
Plus buttons to open your browser to your or twitter feed...stuff like that.

So, today you have IdenTickle version 1.1.

The main interface.

and, when you open the setup tab/frame to enter your setup information.
As you'll recall, v 1.0 was already saving your login data (previous version required entry of said data, every time...annoying).


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Iden.Tcl v 1.0 released

Moments ago, I released a new version of IdenTickle, the tcl/tk and twitter status update tool..

Now it saves your login information, so you don't have to enter it every time.
Additionally, I built installers for Windows and Linux.
(Mac and BSD folks, etc., will still have to install from source...sorry).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Convert .html to .pdf in gnu/linux

There are various options for converting .html files to .pdf in a gnu/linux operating system. Your choice of methods will depend on the complexity of the file you wish to convert, and your familiarity with the tools a gnu/linux system provides.

What you'll need:

  • Gnu/linux operating system

  • Html file

  • Web browser


  • office suite

  • wget

  • html2ps

  • ps2pdf

Simply "Print to file"
One very simple option for creating a .pdf file from an .html file is to simply open the file in your browser, and choose, print. When the print dialog arises, choose "Print to File", and indicate "PDF". This will write the html file out to pdf format.
html to pdf conversion: print to file

Here is a pdf of this article generated in this fashion: converthtml2pdfgnulinux.pdf

"Print to File" works well for basic html files with simple text and some images. If the html file in question has more complex formatting, this option may not always produce the best results. Luckily, other options exist.

Save the html file to your computer (if you haven't already done so), and open it with's html editor (ooweb). Then simply go to the "File" menu, and choose "Export". will then offer you the usual options for saving a file, such as choosing where to save it, and what title to give the file, and, preso-magico, will produce a .pdf file from your .html file.

Command Line

Of course, no linux how to article would be complete without instructions on how to accomplish your task using only the magical Bash command line interface. For those so inclined, then, the following is a complete process for acquiring an .html file and converting it to a .pdf file. In order to proceed with this method, the following software must be installed on the your computer: wget, html2ps, and ps2pdf. These programs are either already a part of most gnu/linux distributions, by default, or can be easily acquired with your favorite package manager (apt, yum, pacman, portage, etc.)

First, let's save the file to your computer:

Next, let's convert the .html file to a postscript or .ps file:
html2ps yourfile.html >

Then, we'll convert the postscript file, finally, to a .pdf file:

You should now have "yourfile.pdf".

This could, of course, all be scripted.


# convert webpages to pdf files
# get url
echo "Enter the url of the page to be converted:"
read page
#download page
wget $page

file=$(basename $page)
#convert to postscript
html2ps $file > $
#convert to pdf
ps2pdf $
#clean up extraneous files
rm -f $file
rm -f $
#clean up file name
rename "s/.html.pdf/.pdf/g" *.pdf

echo "done"


Here is a pdf of this article, generated via this command line method: convertweb2pdflinux.pdf
Notice, it is different from the above pdf created with "Print to file".
One difference, which, depending on your goals, may be either advantageous or undesired, is that text in this file can be selected and copied, which is not true of the first file.


In many cases, you may wish to create a pdf file from a complex .html or .xhtml file that includes .css (cascading style sheet) or other elements, that will not render in the above methods in such a manner as to produce a file that appears as it does on the Internet.

For those cases, there is a program called xhtml2pdf. This program is not as likely to be a part of most gnu/linux distributions by default, nor available from said distributions' repositories. As such, you may to have to download and install it by hand. Thankfully, the site for this program is easily enough found at, and, of course, the program is free, open source software.

And, of course, here is a pdf of this article generated with xhtml2pdf: xhtml2pdfconversion.pdf

There's more!

Yet other methods exist for generating .pdf file from .html files, of course, and an attempt to compile an exhaustive list, with instructions for each, would be beyond the scope of this article.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

voice recordings

Voice recordings by Tony Baldwin:

Notes: These recordings were made in my office, not a professional studio, using a cheap microphone plugged into my soundcard.
All software used to make these recordings was Free Open Source Software.
I used Audacity to record and export files to .wav and .ogg, and ffmpeg to create mp3 files.

The computer used runs Debian Gnu/Linux (stable/lenny).

To hear music I've recorded in similar fashion (I play guitar and sing): click here.

English Literature:


  1. Prologue to the Canterbury Tales (in Middle English): mp3 / ogg
  2. Edgar Allen Poe

    1. The Telltale Heart: mp3 / ogg

    2. Spanish Literature / Literatura en Español

      Pablo Neruda

      1. Cuerpo de Mujer: mp3 / ogg

      2. French Literature / Literature en Français

        Charles Beaudelaire:

        1. L'Homme et la Mer: mp3 / ogg

        2. Brazilian and Portuguese Literature / Literatura Brasileira e Portuguesa


          1. Soneta de Fidelidade por Vinícius Moraes: mp3 / ogg
          2. Sunday, May 9, 2010


            I like a nice, clean, simple, uncluttered desktop.
            Here, we're looking at openbox, running on Debian Gnu/Linux (stable, lenny), with not desktop environment elements (panels, icons, etc.), but only a small conky script to display a few system parameters and a clock. Also pictured in this first shot are Xpostulate, TclTxt, and a roxterm.

            Just a roxterm, displaying lyrics/tabs for a song, Animal by Chilean rock group, La Ley (click to see the video).
            And in this last, again, TclText and Roxterm:

            Friday, May 7, 2010

            Avatar in Brazil: James Cameron and the Xingu Peoples

            I found this article immensely interesting:
            Avatar in Para? James Cameron speaks on Avatar, Brazil, and Belo Monte
            By Amy Lieberman

            Power and Xingu
            In James Cameron's Blockbuster hit Avatar, an indigenous people called the Na'vi try to fend off a private military force from invading their mineral-rich land. In the Brazilian state of Para, the situation isn't all that different, as 13 indigenous tribes are working to prevent the construction of the Belo Monte electro-power plant.

            Though the plant would equip Brazil with a much-needed energy source, as the government says, it also stands to destroy 160 square miles of Amazon forest and dry up a 60-mile stretch of the Xingu River, uprooting 20,000 local people from their homes and destroying their livelihoods.
            read the interview with Jame Cameron

            Altamira - Belo Monte Dam from Tribes Alive on Vimeo.

            For more information
            Power and the Xingu
            Xingu Indians
            Xingu River; Environment and Geography
            Wikipedia: Xingu (people)
            Wikipedia: Xingu (river)

            Wednesday, May 5, 2010

            ¡Viva México! ¡Viva le Virgen de Guadalupe!

            Por el Cinco de Mayo, les presento algunas de mis canciones favoritas de México:
            (for Cinco de Mayo (May 5) I present for you some of my favorite songs from Mexico).

            ¡Viva México! ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!

            First, Maná:

            Download MP3 songs from Maná

            Now, Los Jaguares:

            MP3s from Jaguares

            Julieta Venegas:

            More songs from Julieta Venegas

            Now, Cafe Tacuba:

            Songs from Cafe Tacuba

            And last, but not least, Delasonica:

            MP3s from Delasonica

            TuxTrans - gnu/linux for translators

            This morning I awoke to find announcement in my inbox of the release of Tux Trans, a gnu/linux distribution, based on Ubuntu Linux.

            Tuxtrans includes all of the software any professional needs for their usual office and communications needs, including web browsers, e-mail clients, VoIP and chat, the fully featured OpenOffice office suite (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.), tools for multimedia, pdf file manipulation, creation, and other desktop publication tools, plus additional programs specifically useful to translators, including CAT (Computer Aided Translation) software, text aligment tools, software localization, tools, even video subtitling tools, such as:

            With these tools, any professional translator is fully equipped to conquer the industry. Seriously.
            The underlying system, Ubuntu gnu/Linux, of course, is a solid, fully featured, and very popular gnu/linux distrubtion (I have Ubuntu on my laptop and my netbook, but Debian on my desktops).
            Tuxtrans can be tried without affecting your current system, being a LiveCD distrubtion (it can run from a CDRom, without being installed to or effecting your hard drive, while, installation is, of course, an option once you've tried it).

            Kudos to Peter Sandrini for putting this all together!

            Friday, April 30, 2010

            ¿Bienvenidos a Borinken?

            Congress takes up matter of Puerto Rico statehood: Yesterday the Senate approached the question of Puerto Rico's 112 year relationship with the United States, debating whether a path should be opened for Puerto Rican statehood, or independence for the long-time protectorate.

            In 1898, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico was invaded by U.S. military forces, and entered the 20th Century under U.S. military rule. The Foraker act of 1900 gave Puerto Rico a modicum of self-governing rights, and in 1947 they were granted the right to elect their own governor. Shortly thereafter, they drafted their own Constitution, as well. Currently, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a self-governing, unincorporated territory of the United States, meaning that the Island is under U.S. "protection", but self-governing.

            Since 1917, all Puerto Ricans born on the island are granted all the rights and privileges of U.S. Citizenship, and, IF they enter mainland America, can vote in our elections. However, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, while subject to U.S. law, does NOT currently have a voice in U.S. politics or government, as do our 50 States. As such, while on Puerto Rican territory, Puerto Ricans have no voice in American legislation, while they are subject thereto. They pay U.S. Federal income tax, too. Yes. That means "taxation without representation", which was one of the main reasons the United States declared independence from England 234 years ago.

            The question of Puerto Rico's relationship with the U.S., no surprise, has long been a matter of debate, both with in the U.S., and on the island of Borinquen. Should Puerto Rico become a U.S. State, and, thus, have full voting privileges and a voice in the government that imposes law upon its citizens, and continue to enjoy U.S. citizenship with all the advantages that entails? Or, should Puerto Rico cut it's bonds to the United States, and become an independent nation?

            Opinions on the question are probably nowhere so divided as they are in Puerto Rico, itself, of course, where many, many families have members on the mainland, and enjoy open travel between the island and the remainder of the U.S. for a myriad of reasons, many of which provide great economic advantages to Puerto Rico, while others feel that Boricua is stifled or oppressed by colonial rule int he current situation.

            For my part, I have family from Puerto Rico, and, I hope that both the U.S. government and the Pueblo Boricua (Puerto Rican People) can reach an agreement to bring Puerto Rico fully into the fold, with a full voice and participation in the United States.

            posted with Xpostulate

            Window managers...again: 2 thumbs up for OpenBox

            So, after using wmii (window manager improved) as my default window manager for several months, I find myself using OpenBox, again.

            openbox, xpostulate

            Of course, I use openbox without any desktop icon managers, panels, or other trappings, solely as a window manager, and not as a desktop environment (as is done with, for instance LXDE, a "lightweight" desktop environment which uses openbox as it's window manager). I do keep a small conky script running to display a clock and a few relevant system statistics (cpu/mem usage, running procs, network traffice, clock), but that's it.

            I was having issues with my CPU usage getting ramped up beyond believe, and, when taking a look at running process, it looked as though, for every wmii tab, another instance of wmii was running. Of course, I don't blame wmii entirely for running up my CPU, since I was also running some rather heavy applications, such as OmegaT (translating for very large documents, while using directories chock full of large translation memories, glossaries, and dictionary files, etc.), and, Google Chrome (which, despite being a very nifty, and blazing fast browser, is rather memory heavy). But, I saw that there were numerous instance of wmii running, and killed them, and logged into openbox again.
            Gosh...openbox is just so light and fast...seriously.
            Now, I really, really dig the tiling feature of wmii and similar window managers, but, that can be achieved in openbox, using a nifty little program called (who'd have thunk it) "tile".

            openbox, roxterm, mocp

            So, I find myself once more happily using openbox, which I've come back to time and again. I really like the ease of configuration, involving only editing a simple xml file.
            editing openbox rc.xml in tcltext
            It is quick and snappy, allows (via editing said rc.xml file) me to program in all of my own preferred keyboard shortcuts for my most used actions and programs, etc., and, I'll even admit, it's nice to have the program menu (rt-click on desktop) at my disposal. wmii offers not such menus. I right-clicked on my desktop once I logged into openbox, and found programs in the debian menu that I'd entirely forgotten I even had on my machine! That was a pleasant surprise.

            So, while I still have many positive things to say about wmii, today I give two thumbs up to OpenBox.

            posted with Xpostulate

            Tuesday, April 13, 2010

            exorcising bad translations

            This, my friends, is why Professional Translators are still a necessity.

            Il Foglio, an Italian newspaper, has come out critizing the NY Times, who (OMGSTFUBBQ...can't believe they did this!) used a computer generated translation of an article regarding the Vatican's response to sexual abuse complaints.
            The failure to translate led the American newspaper to argue that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was protecting a sexually abusive priest from Milwaukee.
            The article, titled "New York Times does not translate," starts by saying, "New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd returned to attack the Pope. Commenting on the words of exorcist Gabriele Amorth, who said that behind pedophile priests is the devil, Dowd suggested a way for the Catholic church to solve the problem: hire a 'sexorcist.'" 1

            Learn from this, kiddies.
            When the text is important, neither Google Translate, nor Yahoo! BabelFish is truly your friend.

            Go to, and find a real, professional translator.
            Of course, if your text requires translation from any of French, Portuguese or Spanish to American English, I've got you covered, right here.

            posted with Xpostulate

            Monday, April 12, 2010

            Xpostulate v0.2

            Xpostulate v0.2 - x-posting blog client in tcl/tk
            I've made a ton of improvements and added various features to Xpostulate since posting here in reference thereto.

            I've programmed in xml-rpc posting, and added Wordpress, Inksome, and Scribbld, so it now posts to LiveJournal, InsaneJournal, Dreamwidth, DeadJournal, Iziblog, and the above mentioned 3.

            I've also customized the script running on my own machine, to post to my custom wordpress installation on, which means I'll be able to write than in for users rather easily (not posting to MY blog, but to their own wordpress installations, of course).

            I've also fixed the denting and twitter tweeting to use Tcl's own HTTP library, rather than calling cURL. This facilitates installation and use on Windows, mostly, but also, it's good that now Xpostulate is completely, 100% tcl/tk, without calling outside resources to perform any of its functions.

            Today I built install wizards for both Linux and Windows. This was probably hardly necessary for most Linux users, since the installer hardly does much different from the script (well, except the installs to /usr/local/bin, and, thus, must be run as root, while the installer can be run as users, installing to the user's /home). The Windows installer, however, will significantly simplify installation for Windows users.

            Now, I still have to figure out the google api for posting to blogger, so I can post to this blogspto/blogger blog.
            I'm also considering adding a feature for updating facebook status, as well...maybe sometime later this week.
            I'm rather impressed with myself, I must say, being an old, creEpy guy with no computer classes or formal technology training. For me, Xpostulate is immensely useful, and, when I think that I programmed it, and that others are using it, too, well, I feel pretty smug and content with myself.
            Sometimes I'm so awesome, I can't stand myself...

            Thursday, April 1, 2010

            Old English text found in New Haven

            I found these papers in my basement.

            click to enlarge

            page 2 / page 3.

            PDF version, all 3 pages

            Now, we weren't hit so bad with all of the flooding going on in the state, but, we did have a slight issue in the basement. It wasn't so bad, since, about month ago, with snow melt and rain, we'd had a problem and the landlord sent over the maintenance guy to clean out the drain and repair the pump, etc., but, it seems the foundation has cracked, and there was water coming in.
            I hadn't been down to the basement, since we hadn't had any issues (last time, with the flooding, the pilot light went out in the water heater), until I went down this morning to bring up some bicycling gear, what with the weather warming up.
            When I got down there, I saw a couple of cinder blocks out of place back in one corner of the basement. There was mud and water seeping in, slowly, but, more important, there was a space large enough to push my hands back in there, and even see back into the gap. I saw a cylinder, which appeared like one of those tube thingies you see drafting students carrying around, for transporting rolled up drafting drawings, or whatever. I pulled it out. It appeared to be made of wood (mostly rotted) covered in some form of leather (also rotted, but not entirely).

            I opened it up, and, well, within I found these pages.

            Now, I studied Beowulf in college, being an English major, and even read the portions thereof in Old English. I even still recall a very few lines (hwear eart þu nu, ge-fera? = where are you now, friend?).

            I'm pretty sure the text on these pages is Old English.

            Yeah. I find that quite odd, too. Nonetheless, I recall reading speculation that the stone dwellings in the Gungywamp Forest area of Groton may have been built by Europeans, long before the arrival of our Puritan forefathers (vikings?), since they are decidedly not like any type of dwelling constructed by the local, native Algonquian tribes.
            I don't know. It's all kind of weird, to me...

            But, there you have it folks.

            I have what appears to be some Old English manuscript in my hands.

            posted with Xpostulate

            Saturday, March 27, 2010

            dent, tweet, xpost - all in one

            Tweeting and Denting are now incorporated within the eXpostulate interface, so you can really annoy all your online friends, by x-xposting to 4 distinct blogging services, & denting and tweeting to announce your new articles!

            At this moment, the denting/tweeting is still using curl, however, which is only native to * nix systems (should work on lin/bsd/mac without further configuration, but win users will have to install curl, which can be done, of course).

            I will be attempting to work out tweeting/denting with tcl's own http post method. I've tried a few times, but unsuccessfully, so far. Need to log on to #tcl at freenode and get some help, or something.

            posted with eXpostulate

            Friday, March 26, 2010


            I've decided to take the code from TclTherapy (insanejournal client), and TkLJ (livejournal client), and join them together, adding functionality for DreamWidth and deadjournal, as well.
            I have successfully merged the code, and X-posted to three of the above mentioned blogging services (I don't have a deadjournal).

            I'll be calling this new bit of hackery
            since it x-posts.
            I'd like to add wordpress and blogger funcationality (especially since THIS blog is on blogger), but I believe that will require my learning to get this thing to write out an xml file and play nice with the xml-rpc protocol, rather than just sending a flat entry via http post.
            Not sure...either way, it's just a matter of time.

            I also want to get it to download and edit older posts.
            I have a full TODO list on the eXpostulate wiki page.

            Monday, March 22, 2010

            Python v. Tcl/Tk: denting & tweeting

            So. I have now made two little denter/tweeter programs (to send updates to and, one with Tcl/Tk, the other with Python. I figured a little comparison, perhaps, was in order.
            If you look at them, of course, they look, well, just about the same. Tkinter is, after all, analogous to Tk.

            The Tcl/Tk program made it incredibly simple to display the response from the remote server, which I haven't succeeded in doing with the python script, yet. Both rely on calling an external program (curl) to send updates, rather than relying on the languages' built-in tools. I could probably work out HTTP POST in tcl rather painlessly. I did try to use python's urllib to post, unfruitfully, and resorted back to calling curl.

            the code for both programs is available at the above wiki links

            The Tcl/Tk program, which has the added feature of displaying the server response, has only 47 lines of code, 245 words, 1844 characters. It took me less than an hour to write it.
            The Python program, however, which does precisely the same exact thing as the tcl/tk program, without displaying the server response, has 104 lines of code, 564 words, and 4073 characters. It took me the better part of a day to write it.

            One must ask oneself, of course, is this a testament to the power and simplicity of tcl/tk? Or, is it simply an indication of my lack of skill with python?

            I can't answer that defnitively, but, to me, it really looks like tcl/tk is a bit more efficient. Admittedly, I'm not a very skilled programmer at all, in truth. Timewise, of course, I have been writing tcl/tk for a couple of years, and only just now delving into python. As such, I was able to throw the tcl/tk program together quickly, while, my efforts to "translate" my tcl/tk program into python required a bit of research on the syntax for writing tkinter guis, and other elements. It just really looks to me as though Python/Tkinter takes a lot more code to do the same thing. I really have drawn that conclusion. Especially building a gui, it seems, is more cumbersome with tkinter than with simple, good old tcl/tk. I know there are other means of building a gui with python (wxwidgets, pygtk, pyqt, etc.), but I wanted to try the one most similar to that with which I am already familiar, and, I believe it is a fairer comparison when using a similar gui ToolKit.

            At this juncture, I do have to say, I feel a great loyalty and deep affinity for tcl/tk. I don't understand why it isn't in wider use, frankly. It is an incredibly powerful language, used for a vast array of purposes, and, in my opinion, is probably the easiest programming language to learn (of course, I haven't tried them all), especially for a beginning programmer. One can be up and running, creating useful programs in a relatively short time. I also feel the need to give kudoz to the tcl/tk community and the wiki, which is replete tons of example code, detailed explanations, and great resources for learning how to program in tcl/tk. The tcl-ers that hang out at #tcl on, additinoally, are extremely helpful, and patient. They won't hold your hand, but they'll tolerate a newbie, and point them in the right direction, without any snobbishness or derision.

            I can't say the same for my experiences with pythonistas. Their irc channel was a little less friendly, imho. Maybe I just caught them on a bad day, or maybe I was having a bad day. After all, Pythonistas are known for having a sense of humor. Admittedly, I was frustrated when I finally went to their channel for a bit of support, and frustrated, whiny n00b is no fun to play with, any way. Moreover, the python community does have a lot of documentation available online. Nonetheless, to me, it seems that it is written for other programmers, not for the uninitiated, so, is not so easily read as much of the tcl/tk resources. Their sample code is not well explained, where someone new to programming can really make sense of it. This may also be a function of time, since tcl/tk has been around a bit longer than python.

            I do want to make it very clear: I'm really not here to pick on python. I know that it's a powerful language with a great many uses, and a favorite of a great many real hackers who know a lot more about programming than I do. I will continue to learn to write it, and believe it will serve me quite well for various purposes, and I believe I will continue to have fun learning it. But, I think I might continue to point out how tcl/tk is much easier and seemingly efficient, too...

            Tuesday, March 16, 2010

            Julieta Venegas - Otra Cosa

            Julieta Venegas - Otra Cosa


            Julieta Venegas' new disc, Otra Cosa was released today!


            I'm listening now, and, it's AWESOME!!!
            Perhaps later I'll give a more complete review...right now, I'm too busy working, and, ENJOYING THIS MUSIC!

            Okay, I'm back to give you my thoughts on "Otra Cosa" after listening to the disc no less than 3 times in its entirety today.
            On one hand, with the name "Otra Cosa" (meaning [an]Other Thing in English), one might expect something a little different, something surprising and new.
            The truth is, however, that Julieta has not, in this latest disc, deviated from the path that has already made her a great success.
            Of course, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?
            "Otra Cosa" (other thing) is replete with the same well-crafted, catchy, smart tunes we've come to expect from Mexican pop-star and super-cutie, Julieta Venegas. It's GREAT music with catchy, witty, fun, heartfelt, and sometimes insightful lyrics.
            Existing fans will NOT be disappointed, no horrific departures from the know or unpleasant suprises. Just the same great stuff.
            When those new to Julieta's music hear this disc and experience what they've been missing, they will be wondering why they hadn't already become fans long ago. For those who are new to Julieta's great, latin-american, alt-pop tunes, I also highly recomment her prior albums, Si (my favorite), Limón y Sal, Bueninvento, and, of course, her live/acoustic disc with MTV Unplugged, (including a not to be missed track that she recorded live with Brazilian pop-legend, Marisa Monte. Two such beautiful, talented singers on stage together = w0w!).

            ¿Ya dije? ¡JULIETA, TE QUIERO MUCHO!


            learn more about Julieta Venegas at Wikipedia.

            (Mis amigos de ja sabem que Julieta será mi futura esposa...pena que Julietia todavía no sabe...)

            Sunday, February 28, 2010

            knol - a unit of knowledge

            I can't believe I'm just now learning of this. I found out at Ed Yourdon's blog.

            Back in 2007, Google released Knol, a user edited repository of knowledge that some have likened to Wikipedia.

            According to Google's own Knol Help,

            Knol has one goal: to help you share what you know.

            The Knol project is a site that hosts many knols units of knowledge written about various subjects. The authors of the knols can take credit for their writing, provide credentials, and elicit reviews and comments. Users can provide feedback, comments, and related information. So the Knol project is a platform for sharing information, with multiple cues that help you evaluate the quality and veracity of information. 1

            As I see it, Knol is pretty cool. It is like Wikipedia, in that users are invited to share their knowledge, submit and contribute to "knols" or articles thereon. There are distinct differences, however.

            The tools provided for creating and editing pages on knol are a bit more "user-friendly" for your average net-citizen to use, including wysiwyg tools, rather than requiring knowledge of wiki markup of any particular variety (there are various out there now), and doesn't require knowledge of any html or any other coding skills.

            On thing that could, in my opinion, stand improvement, is the manner in which knol URLs are formed. At Wikipedia, you can pretty well find an article by adding that for which you search to the end of the wikipedia domain, as in, say you are searching for "cows", you know you can find relevant information at . Pretty simple. Unfortunately, knol does not build article links in so simple a fashion. A search for "cows" on knol gives a long list of results, with URLs that look like this: . You will notice that, after the domain, there is a name (in this case, Chris Kovacs), then the topic (cows), and then some garbledy-gook. All knols appear to be organized by author, first, which does have certain advantages, for the author, as the author IS important at knol, unlike wikipedia, in which authors are sometimes rather anonymous. Also, various authors may submit knols on the same topic, so there is no definitive knol on any particular topic. Also, once an author has created a knol, they have the right to manage that knol, meaning they can accept or reject contributions from other authors, as they see fit. As such, knol differs widely from Wikipedia, being more of a place for authors to showcase their knowledge, rather than a community maintained knowledge repository.

            I surfed around knol a bit this morning while drinking my first few cups of Pilo (o Cafe Forte do Brasil), and particularly enjoyed this knol about chilenismos (Chilean slang), by Tomas Bradanovic.

            I dug around a bit more, and was astounded to find that there was no knol about Free Software! I just couldn't believe it!
            So, I rolled up my sleeves and waded into the fray, and have now become the proud author of this knol on Free Software.
            It was easy!

            So, dust of your knowledge and share it on Google's Knol.


            originally published on the | blog

            Saturday, February 27, 2010

            transprocalc - free translation project management tools *MUCHO TODO*

            I've decided I need to drag out the transprocalc code and get hacking again.

            TransProCalc is a little program I sarted building back in late 2007/early 2008, when I was outsourcing a lot of translation work, and found that the time I was spending managing the projects didn't justify the meager profits I was making from outsourcing. I determined that I really needed to find a way to automate parts of the process, and I couldn't find any existing free/open source software projects that would meet my needs. I was "scratching an itch", as they say in the hacker community. I had a need; I started hacking.

            TransProCalc IS handy, too. It helps me keep track of all the documents and assignments for a project, and crunch of the financial numbers, and spits out handy little reports. It needs work, though. I want to get it playing with a database to manage information on clients and providers, get it hooked up with a real calendar/reminder system, to remind me when invoices are due (to providers, or from clients), keep track of which clients have online invoicing systems and help me automate the process of dealing with those, etc....much trabajo.
            I have good ideas on how to get a lot of that accomplished, but I need to set aside some time to get to work on it.
            Additionally, I would not mind other devs jumping on board with the transprocalc project.
            I added transprocalc on google code this morning, which may assist in finding other hands to get into that code, perhaps, and provide tools to manage the project.
            Of course, it is already on sourceforge, too.
            At the moment, I have some academic articles from Brazil to translate that are keeping me pretty busy.

            Furthermore, I have a lot of really good friends in Santiago, Chile, where there was an 8.8 earthquake early this morning.
            So, today, I am spending a lot of time, today, worrying about them and trying to track them down and make sure everyone is okay, and obsessively checking the news, etc... VIVA CHILE, MIERDA! (a todos los chilenos, les quiero mucho, mando abrazos, cuidense)

            Originally published at tony baldwin |

            !VIVA CHILE, MIERDA!

            By now, of course, everyone has heard that there's been a brutal earthquake this morning in Santiago de Chile.

            I found out early this morning when my mother called me, and asked if I had heard from my friend, beautiful and talented artist, Paholita, who resides in the Santiago.

            art of pahola jasmina sarda castro

            I immediately attempted to phone Paholita, unsuccessfully, but have since heard from both her and her daughter, and they are well.
            I have other friends in Santiago, too.

            I'm pleased to announce that my friend Hector Mansilla of the Fundación GnuChile is alive and well.

            I'm still waiting to hear from otros amigos chilenos.
            To all in Chile, we send MUCHO AMOR.
            Les mando abrazos a todos, les quiero mucho.
            ¡VIVA CHILE, MIERDA!

            Tuesday, February 23, 2010

            A Translators' Petition Concerning's Job Policies

            A Translators' Petition Concerning's Job Policies.
            Over recent months, we have witnessed a steady and alarming increase in the number of job offers that contain rates and working conditions we consider totally unacceptable. One recent example of such a post provoked the enraged reaction of thousands of translators and interpreters and was reported in the Italian national press, in addition to being widely discussed by thousands of other translators on translator mailing lists, blogs, Facebook, and elsewhere. The Italian Minister of Tourism ultimately released a statement disavowing the working conditions contained in the job posting that appeared on

            Originally published at tony baldwin |

            Yes! You, too, can use Free Software and Succeed as a Freelance Translator

            This past weekend new versions were released of two Free software programs very important for translators, OmegaT, CAT program (Computer Aided Translation), and Anaphraseus, another CAT program, both Free (as in speech) and free (as in beer).
            OmegaT, developed in Java, is the CAT program is most used by translators in the Free Software community, and has been used in translation and localization of other important Free Software projects such as, the complete, Free, office suite. It is rather distinct from other CAT programs, broadly useful, with ample functions and the ability to deal with a wide variety of files formats, including all those most common to the translation industry, such as all MSOffice® file formats, various software localization formats, and, of course, all Open Document Format files. In addition, OmegaT works with the standard translation memory format, TMX (Translation Memory eXchange).
            Anaphraseus CAT works similarly to another, proprietary CAT program, Wordfast®, in its earlier incarnations, but as a macro in, not with MSOffice®, as does Wordfast. Anaphraseus developed in StarBasic, is important because it allows translators who are users of free software to provide their customers "unclean" .doc or .rtf files, a bilingual word processing file (containing both, the source and target languages), widely used in the translation industry. With both these tools, translators using only free software are able to compete with those who work with proprietary products that dominate the industry. Both programs are cross-platform, able to run in GNU/Linux, Mac or Windows.
            I announced the release of these new versions over the past several days, but today, I'm taking the time to elaborate again on these release, because I believe these programs are extremely important. I've already discussed why I believe open document formats are important at some length, but it is a topic I am likely to revisit, and my original article touching on the matter is, as I see it, a work in progress. I'm certain I will continue to revise and update that article and repost it from time to time. Why freedom of information and open standards are important in my industry, translation, should, as I see it, require little explanation.
            Now, my industry, translation, like so many others, is dominated by the use of propietary software tools, such as Trados® and Wordfast@, and inundated with the widespread use of MSOffice®. That's no surprise and no secret. Many translators, in fact, believe that you simply can't work successfully in our industry without MSOffice® and Trados® or Wordfast®, and I'm living proof that the notion is completely erroneous. I've been working as a freelance translator now for half a decade, and using only Free Software on my computers for a full decade, and my family eats three square meals a day. My three most used programs are the above mentioned, OmegaT, Anaphraseus, and (the 4th being a web browser, for research and to communicate with clients, providers, etc., and fifth being mocp to listen to music while I work. Seriously. But that's a matter for another article). I work for private clients, government agencies, school systems, and large translation warehouse agencies, the vast majority of whom use the popular proprietary products mentioned above. I've never had any difficulty due to lack of compatibility, and have always been able to deliver the product that my clients have demanded of me. Furthermore, it is my belief that I can do so more efficiently using the Free Software I use, especially since I use them with a GNU/Linux operating system. My system is secure, stable, and efficient. It uses fewer resources than popular proprietary operating systems, doesn't fall prey to the hordes of viruses and attacks to which those other systems are so easily and frequently prey, has never crashed on me (seriously, not once), and is far more customizable and configurable, allowing me to set it up in the way that is more "ergonomic" and efficient for me, allowing me to work as efficiently as possible. I save time, not having to deal with AV software updates, fixing crashes, removing intrusions, etc. Heck, I never even have to reboot the darned thing. Another factor, and, in my opinion, this is probably the least important, but often the most touted in some circles, is that none of my software has cost me a penny. Seriously. I have powerful CAT tools and office tools for my translation work, all the web communication tools needed (e-mail, chat, voip), tools for managing the financial back end (some day I should write an article on gnucash), powerful image manipulation software (sometimes I edit images for clients), essentially, everything I need for my work. (I also have all the toys, games, multimedia software, etc., I could possibly ever not need to distract me when I should be working...).
            A common proprietary operating system, cat program, and office suite, alone, would cost me in the neighborhood of US$1500.00. Proprietary image manipulation software would easily tack on another $700, and, let's not forget that I'd have to pay for security tools to protect all my data, with regular AV updates, etc. I could easily spend US$3000.00 or more for the software I would need to do the work that I do, were I to use proprietary software tools. So, I'm not only more efficient in terms of time/energy waste maintaining my machine (able to focus more on work than maintenance...except when I'm blogging or facebooking), I'm also more efficient in terms of expenditure of financial resources, which enables me to pass the savings on to my clients, making, in fact, more competitive than my colleagues who use proprietary software tools.
            Now, do I use Free (as in speech) Software just because it's free as in beer)?
            No. For me, the issues of freedom of information and open file format standards, and the freedom to control my own computer (not be licensed to use a product over which I have little control, and in a fashion that gives its creators rights over the software on MY machine) are FAR more important to me than price. In addition, the added efficiency and configurability I have with the Free Software I use are convenient and agree with me immensely. Nonetheless, I do feel that it's worth mentioning the added financial advantage these tools bring.
            With that, I will get back to work translating these Brazilian articles, and bid you good day.

            Thursday, February 18, 2010


            Further developments at include the addition of a blog:
            which will, likely, preclude the perpetuation of posting to this one.
            Thankfully, you can grab the rss feed from that one, and substitute it for this one in your favorite reader thingy.

            Wednesday, February 17, 2010

            the Hungie Bungies

            That's me on the far left, with the long hair.The Hungie Bungies was my alt/folk duo (w/ Mark Lechman, far right) in Indiana from 1990 to 1992.We recorded one album, Fun Things in the Kitchen.A few tracks are available as mp3 at my music page.

            Tuesday, February 16, 2010

            l0ooong day...

  's been a long day working on these Brazilian academic documents. Tomorrow I must go interpret (Portuguese) in the courts in Waterbury, and, then I'll be back here translating again. Not much else to report nifty scripts, hip hackery, or gro0vy geekery, no new paintings, no other news of note... sorry.

            rm -f amelia*

            Today I was updating my resume, and cleaned up the directory in which it is stored, removing copies of older resumes,
            and, realized I still had copies of the eX's CV in there.
            It gave me great pleasure to issue bash the command
            tony@deathstar:~$ rm -f amelia*


            a thousand fireflies, lighting up the cat5 wires (or, my scattered and befuddled web presence becomes yet more obfuscated and confusing...)

            I've been busy for this past week, slaving over the translation of some academic papers from Brazil.
            Nonetheless, I have been frequently distracted by hackery and geekery, as is not uncommon in my doings.As such, I did want to share with you a couple of links.
            First, I have decided to start posting my poetry online.I'm not going to make this a poetry way...and, I've even decided that a blog is decidedly NOT the best way to publish my poetry.
            Instead, I have made a wiki for this purpose. I can add poetry at my leisure, and they will not appear chronologically, as they would in a blog, but, rather, will have each their own page.
            Also, being a wiki, it is easier for me to separate the poetry into sections by language (since I write poetry in 3 or 4 languages, anymore).
            The wiki is also simple and easy to maintain.
            Oh, yes, you can find it here: tony baldwin | poetry.
            That was fun.

            The idea came as I began introducing my kid to the world of wiki-ing, in an attempt to being to educate her on how to master and conquer the internets, to scratch out her domain there, knowing that in the future, our entire lives will be spent online...(future? gosh, I've been living a virtual life for over a decade, and no IRL life to speak of...)
            Well, I figured learning wiki-code would be useful, and will set us up for the next step, as I teach her to write html and css and develop her own site, thus effectively closing the casket on any real social aspirations she may have been harboring, while, hopefully, planting the seed for future, marketable skills. (Next I'll start her on php, perl, python scripting, and, before you know it, we'll conquer the internets and be on our way to world domination. Never say I didn't warn you...)
            I've been giving her little assignments for pages or sections to build into her wiki, mostly just to annoy her, since she's on February break this week. (Not like I want her doing fun things, like playing in the snow, or talking on the phone...she'll never learn to hack the fed and move us some funds around doing that stuff...)

            Now, I have also created a one page mini profile, as a sort of catch-all basin and minirepository of data on all that is tony baldwin here:
            You know, because, I just know that all of my adoring fans out there have all been dying for some consolidation of the scattered, nebulous universe that is tony baldwin on the internets (self absorbed much?).

            So, I've spent more time on livejournal than I have in some time. I have to say, I miss the days where LJ was the axis of my internet social experience. I believe that a social networking site centered on blogging gave greater depth to "social networking" on the internet than sites that impose 140 character limits, or focus more on animated fish tanks than on producing profound discourse and promoting sincere self-expression. As such, I've been ignoring the visage tome and interacting more with LJ, again. This had me thinking about blogging, not surprisingly, and, consequently, about creating a blog of my own, on my own server, etc., as opposed to using someone else's free blogging service (ie. LJ or blogger, etc.). This led me to exploring nanoblogger, a nifty little command line tool for creating, editing, and managing a blog from the bash command line! Very nifty.
            I create/edit/manage a blog on my local machine with this tool, on the command line, and then just ftp the whole dir full o' stuff up onto my server, which I've done, thus creating the / tony baldwin / nanoblog.
            I figure that one will be primarily used to document my adventures in hackery and geekery (similar to the tonytraductor livejournal).
            With nanoblog, of course, I can make numerous such blogs and load them to my server. I may yet find other uses for that. The nanoblog, unfortunately, doesn't lend itself to community blogging, however, since I can only manage it on my machine and load to the remote host, and it doesn't feature commenting or other feedback/participating/community resources. It does enable both rss and atom feeds, though, so my nanoblog can be followed on google reader or other rss/atom aggregating appartuses.

            Of course, at this juncture, I have a completely schizophrenic web presence, with numerous blogs and community profiles on countless sites, some highlighting my artistic whack-a-doodle-ry, others empahsizing my hackery-geekery, others focusing on my professional pursuits, while still yet others, such as this here blogspot, are of a more general and scattered nature, and, yet others, are far more personal.
            I question, sometimes, whether it is best to have so fractured a web presence, while at other times I question the value in having any generalized outlets (such as this one), and wonder if I shouldn't do a better job of organizing my distinct efforts in various diverse fields to develop each more specifically, yet more fully (i.e., perpetuate the scattered presence, and fully explore each of those avenues, being 1) art/poetry/music, 2) geekery and hackery, and 3) professional matters pertaining to the international market and translation industry).
            In any case, it seems that each of those areas is more likely to find an audience than just the befuddled and scattered ramblings I post here, and, that if I wanted to truly develop such audiences, I should step up efforts in 1 or more of those fields and be more conscientious about maintaining whatever efforts I realize in those specific fields (in others words, post regularly on the specific blogs).

            What do you think?

            Well, with that, me dr00gies, I must get back to slaving away at these Brazilian academic documents.