Friday, March 26, 2010


I've decided to take the code from TclTherapy (insanejournal client), and TkLJ (livejournal client), and join them together, adding functionality for DreamWidth and deadjournal, as well.
I have successfully merged the code, and X-posted to three of the above mentioned blogging services (I don't have a deadjournal).

I'll be calling this new bit of hackery
since it x-posts.
I'd like to add wordpress and blogger funcationality (especially since THIS blog is on blogger), but I believe that will require my learning to get this thing to write out an xml file and play nice with the xml-rpc protocol, rather than just sending a flat entry via http post.
Not sure...either way, it's just a matter of time.

I also want to get it to download and edit older posts.
I have a full TODO list on the eXpostulate wiki page.

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