Thursday, October 22, 2009

testing, again (+ ramblings on blogging clients and simultaneous posting) this post, I am testing simultaneously posting to my livejournal and my new blogspot, simultaneously, via e-mail.
Please bear with me...

This is because I have multiple blogs, and sometimes want to post the same articles to all of them.
I'm considering taking the code for the blogging clients I have already made (Tickle Therapy for InsaneJournal and TKLJ for Livejournal), and combining them, then adding blogger/blogspot functionality, so that it will post to both the above mentioned LJ, and blogspot, as well as my insanejournal, all simultaneously.
Currently, it seems the best way I have to post simultaneously is via e-mail...but e-mail posting on insane journal is only available to paid accounts.
To date, there are other, incomplete solutions.
Logjam will post to livejournal AND insane journal, but not simultaneously, and not to blogger/blogspot. One has to post to one journal, then reload the entry, change user, and post again.
Petrus will post to livejournal and blogger/blogspot, but to do it simultaneously, one has to open two windows and copy/paste the entry to both windows, click two buttons to post.
Now, enabling simultaneous LJ and IJ posting with my existing software will be easy enough, but I want a solution that posts to all three, simultaneously, without copy/pasting, and at the click of one button.
So I'm going to write my own...possibly. Also, since the majority of my previous hacking efforts have been in tcl, I think I might try to do this in eithe perl or python (with perltk or pythontk for the gui).
Additionally, my LJ/IJ clients use the old html posting method. I understand that is not an option with blogger/blogspot, and will have to learn to use the xml method, so I might as well learn and implement that for LJ and IJ, as well...
Why not? I haven't dug into a hacking project in a while, and, I have way too much spare time on my hands. Of course, it's not like I couldn't better employ the time adding improvements to my existing
software, but I get bored with a project and like to move on, and learning new stuff is always good.
I will keep you posted of further developments, of course.


tcl yer OS with a feather?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well, that worked...