Saturday, January 10, 2009

blog clients

I know I've written a couple of blog clients for myself, for livejournal and insane, which I should probably consolidate into one, but they lack some features.
They're good for tossing up a quick post, but lack the means to choose with user pic, and also download and edit previous posts, and a few other things, but they work with LJ and Insane Journal, which Logjam also does.
But neither mine, nor Logjam, will work with Blogger.
Now, I also found Petrus, which works with Blogger and Livejournal, but I can't seem to get it to play with Insane Journal.
If I could have one client that was fully featured, but worked with all three, that would simplify my life, since, at this point, I am maintaining not one, but two Livejournals, one Insane Journal, and a one two three blogpots.

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